
9:00-9:30 Registration

9:30-9:40 Introduction and welcome

Session One: Remembering early modern Ireland

9:40-10:00 What’s in a Ruin? Memory and identity in a Fortified House, Inniscarra, Co. Cork

Kieran McCarthy, Department of Geography, UCC

10:00-10:20 Salterstown: remembering the ‘Second Plantation’ and beyond

Shannon M. Kennedy , Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield

10:20-10:40 Tea & Coffee

Session Two: Colonial Processes

10:40-11:00 The Books of Survey and Distribution: Confiscation and subjugation in rural east Clare Terri Shoesmith, Department of History, NUI, Galway

11:00-11:20 The Archaeology of the Munster Plantation: Landscape, Memory and History Joe Nunan, Department of Archaeology, UCC

11:20-11:40 Geophysical and topographical mapping of a seventeenth century blast furnace in Ballyvannan, East Clare Paul Rondelez, Department of Archaeology, UCC

11:40-11:55 Discussion

11:55-12:15 Tea & Coffee

Session Three: Cultural frontiers

12:15-12:35 The Ulster coarse pottery assemblage from the high-status Gaelic crannog at Island MacHugh, Co. Tyrone Colleen O’Hara, Department of Archaeology, NUI, Galway

12:35-12:55 Cultural frontiers in 16th century Ireland and Transylvania Teodora Pascal, Department of History, NUI, Galway

12:55-13:15 The Death of the Tower House: evidence for the decline of trade at tower houses Vicky McAlister, Department of History, TCD

13:15-13:35 English Garrisons and Irish Towns during the Elizabethan Conquest, 1558 – 1603 Kieran Hoare, Department of History, NUI, Galway

13:35-13:50 Discussion

13:50- 15:20 Lunch

Session Four: After the conquest

15:20-15:40 A Question of Faith. Studying Mass Rock Sites in Ireland Hilary Bishop, Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool

15:40-16:10 Chapel villages and estate towns: the role of medieval ecclesiastical buildings in settlement development

1700-1900 Caroline McGee and Niamh Nic Ghabhann, Department of the History of Art and Architecture, TCD

16:10-16:30 The Archaeology of Identity: A case study of demesnes in north County Cork Jane Hurley, Department of Archaeology, UCC

16:30-16:50 '"Collusion at Morristown Lattin": A case study of the Lattin family, 1722-26.' Emma Lyons, School of History & Archives, UCD

16:50-17:10 “Bridewell, Smithfield and Bully’s Acre – names in the Irish built environment copied due to a common function” Paul Tempan, Irish and Celtic Studies, Queens University Belfast

17:10-17:15 Discussion


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Key-note speaker: Dr. Audrey Horning

We are happy and honoured to announce that Dr. Audrey Horning, , Reader in Historical Archaeology, University of Leicester, will be delivering the key-note address at the forthcoming 'People, places & memory' conference, 27th of August.

Dr. Horning's address will develop a number of themes and debates identified by the various speakers during the course of the day. It will take place at 6pm after a short wine reception.

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